
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Herb Farm - 購買來自紐西蘭的全天然護膚品

  市場上護膚產品種類多姿多彩,但你又有注意到大多數護膚品都含有化學成份嗎?長期使用含有化學成份的護膚品會對皮膚做成一定傷害,更可怕的是,當我們注意到皮膚所承受的傷害時表示情況已經失控。 您想這樣的情況發生嗎?如果不想,您應該以天然和純素護膚品取代含化學成份的產品。最近,純素護膚品人氣很高,它們使用源自植物的天然成份、新鮮草本萃取,因而對皮膚較溫和,是質量高而效能佳的護膚品。 選擇護膚產品時,我們應以為後代創造更健康的生活環境、更美好的星球為前提作考慮。The Herb Farm護膚產品系列就是以此為目標,一直以自家香草園種植的植物,悉心調配並製成護膚品,將大自然的愛和力量注入每一吋肌膚。The Herb Farm是來自新西蘭的護膚品牌,創辦人深信草本成份擁有獨一無二的護膚療效。團隊崇尚自然的生活方式,以天然草木為我們提供各種對身體產生正面影響的護膚產品。有趣的是The Herb Farm按不同類型的肌膚需要提供不同的護理產品: • 保濕產品:品牌提供全天然的保濕乳霜、噴霧等滋養及恢復肌膚活力等產品。 • 眼部及唇部護理:臉部最精緻的部份值得最好、最天然的護理,如植物油唇膏。 • 去角質產品:品牌的天然去角質乳霜助您輕鬆去除肌膚死皮、潔淨毛孔,讓皮膚感受前所未有的新鮮感。 • 紓緩痛症:一系列治療和紓緩各種身體疼痛不適的產品,如紓緩頭痛、肌肉疼痛、幫助睡眠的乳霜。 • 療癒產品:品牌當中暢銷產品之一-抗敏舒緩修護乳霜,以亞麻籽油、椰子油等天然植物成份迅速紓敏止癢並保護發炎過敏的皮膚,治療濕疹、牛皮癬、皮炎等皮膚瘙癢乾燥症狀。 如果您有興趣購買The Herb Farm的護膚產品,您可以瀏灠Pimary的網站 。它是一家香港公司,代理多個來自世界各地的可持續品牌。Pimary於2016年成立,一步步走到今天,當人們想到要購買天然產品時,Pimary已成為顧客的第一選擇。如果您也想下單,請查看我們的網站,成為會員更可享受各種購物優惠! 欲了解更多信息,請訪問

Buy Handmade Plant-Based Cosmetics from Pimary in Hong Kong

  Look around and see the products that you use every single day? Do you think that they are making any difference in your life? Be it the toothpaste you use or the cream that you apply to your body. Does that make you feel energized or happy? Just because millions of people use these products, you have accepted them and are adjusting to them. But do you really want to continue consuming them? Are you in for making a change in the world? If you are, then you must check out one of the finest homeware store Hong Kong and i.e. Pimary. What is Pimary? What does it offer? As mentioned above, it is a store in Hong Kong that offers homeware including toothpaste, your brush, skincare, cosmetics, oils, creams and much more that you consume every single day. The journey of Pimary started in 2016 when they used a two-storey house and converted it into a lifestyle concept space. The vintage house has a garden where herbs and natural essential plants are grown. The products that y...