Buy Handmade Plant-Based Cosmetics from Pimary in Hong Kong


Look around and see the products that you use every single day? Do you think that they are making any difference in your life? Be it the toothpaste you use or the cream that you apply to your body. Does that make you feel energized or happy? Just because millions of people use these products, you have accepted them and are adjusting to them. But do you really want to continue consuming them? Are you in for making a change in the world? If you are, then you must check out one of the finest homeware store Hong Kong and i.e. Pimary.

What is Pimary? What does it offer?

As mentioned above, it is a store in Hong Kong that offers homeware including toothpaste, your brush, skincare, cosmetics, oils, creams and much more that you consume every single day. The journey of Pimary started in 2016 when they used a two-storey house and converted it into a lifestyle concept space. The vintage house has a garden where herbs and natural essential plants are grown. The products that you get at Pimary are vegan and made by the team. The handmade vegan soap or cream or anything else for that matter is all very pure and does not have any side-effect on your skin. These products are a bit higher in price than what you are currently using, but the experience is going to be worth every bit that you spend on them.

The company has been invited by 40+ interviews in press and media to share about what their concept and ingredients are for making Pimary the most successful sustainable brand. You not only get to enjoy plant based cosmetics that will make your skin glow, but they also offer a wide range of kitchen products such as can fish, non-dairy milk, green and herbal teas, even sustainable stainless steel cutlery. If you are looking forward to bringing a change in your life, start with buying one product at a time. You can see the difference on your own and make up your mind for buying products in the future. Pimary is a brand that is going to be huge in the future. So, give it a try and you will not look back to any ordinary brand that you have been using for long. For any order related queries or general enquiry, kindly write to the customer support team at Pimary.

For more information, visit


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