Use Plant-Based Skincare Products and Make a Sustainable Change


So, if you are active on social media or listen to the latest news, you might have seen people talking about celebrating Earth Day. The main concept behind this day is trying to restore the health and well-being of Mother Nature and planet Earth. But do you think celebrating earth day just for one single day makes any impact? Of course, not! Instead, you need to make sure that you make sustainable changes in your daily life to make a bigger impact on the health of the planet. For example, instead of using a skin care brand that uses chemicals, you can switch to plant based skincare products.

Now, you might think that how can this small change in your daily skin care routine make an impact? Let’s explain to you with an example. When you use eco-friendly and sustainable skincare products, you are contributing to reducing the carbon emissions and use of petroleum products. These chemicals and petroleum products are washed into our water bodies causing pollution. Also, several chemical cosmetics have plastic in them that accumulates in our ocean affecting the ecosystem.

The most recent example was the use of microbeads in shower gels. Microbeads are made of plastic and mixed in a shower gel for exfoliation. But these microbeads don’t dissolve in water. A study conducted in 2015 stated that more than eight trillion microbeads every day are washed in our oceans and other water bodies. A bill was then signed to ban the use of small plastics.

So, by using plant-based and natural skincare products you can help mother nature to heal effectively. If you want to make this sustainable change in your daily life, check out Pimary.

Pimary is amongst the leading companies that are based in Hong Kong that follow the philosophy of sustainable living. They believe that if we want to bring an effective change and heal Mother Nature, we need to start using sustainable products in our daily life. They have a complete range of daily care products such as psoriasis treatment cream, shampoo, conditioners, hand and body wash in non-chemical formula, mouthwash, and more. They also provide eco and home care products and green grocery. You can find several eco-friendly brands on their website. Check out their product range and make a sustainable change now.

About Pimary:

Pimary is a leading company in Hong Kong that offers full range of sustainable and plant based cosmetics products.

For more information or making order, please visit


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